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Programa em atualização

Synthesis of a photochromic compound

ID: 2501

The photochromic molecules have assumed significant importance due to their successful industrial application in ophthalmic lenses. However, in the last years, the range of applications of these molecules are increased an example of this is its use in printers 3D. This demonstration aims to provide an overview of the synthesis of a photochromic compound in the laboratory. Participants will be able to follow the synthesis of a photochromic compound, all the steps until its purification and photochromic behavior in solution under solar irradiation or similar. It will also be possible to test the polymerization, through irradiation with UV and visible light, of a matrix in which a photochromic compound is incorporated.

Duração: 2.30 Horas

Instituição: Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro

Tipo de Evento: Workshop

Presença: Presencial

Máximo de Participantes por Sessão: 6

Coordenadas GPS: 41.376808792193, -7.7783201874999

Localidade: Vila Real

Concelho: VILA REAL

Distrito: VILA REAL

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23-11-2022 09:30