Ciência Viva stands with Ukraine on Tech and Scientific Culture

At the time of Volodymyr Zelensky’s visit to Portugal, this past Tuesday, Ciência Viva – the National Agency for the promotion of Tech and Scientific Culture, in collaboration with Ecsite – The European Network of Science Centres and Museums, reinforces the relations that it has been developing with Ukraine, mainly with the Republic of Ukraine Education Ministry and the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. A union of efforts for the reconstruction of this country in the areas of Scientific Culture, Technology, and Innovation. 

 Ciência Viva has donated to the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences a set of modules of science and technologies, that create small exhibits. This was done with the goal of contributing for the establishment of a network of science centres, in collaboration with Ecsite and North American Simons Foundation. 

 This follows meetings, set through international annual conferences between Ecsite and ASTC – American Science and Technology Centers. Collaboration with Ukraine is now reinforced through the proposal of the initiative Science Comes To Town 2026, which will be led by Ciência Viva. This proposal predicts the organizing of European contests for researchers in the beginning of their careers, EU TalentON, on a Ukrainian city in 2026.

 In this context, it is important to mention that the initiative Bilheteira Solidária (Ticket Office for Solidarity), active since April 2022 at the Pavilion of Knowledge in Lisbon, has been extended to all Ciência Viva Science Centres in the country. This happens in response to the present reality, predicting that any citizen, including those under forced migration through present-day conflicts, have access to Ciência Viva Science Centres, free of charge. Since then, Ukraine has been one of the countries that adheres most to the initiative. 

 “Science and Knowledge have a relevant role on the path to tolerance, peace, and development. This cooperation, that we have been developing for some time, reinforces the contribution of science for peace in Ukraine, and in a more concrete manner, museums, and science centres of this country”, states Rosalia Vargas, Ciência Viva’s president.
