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While we are disappointed that the COVID pandemic prevented us from holding this conference in Lisbon, we are happy to provide you with a virtual experience of Lisbon, our People and of our country’s rich cultural heritage.

Through a series of videos and recordings, you can stroll across the streets of Lisbon and get to know the routes of Fado and the routes of the poet Fernando Pessoa and José Saramago, our Nobel Prize in Literature.

Make a virtual visit to some of our best national museums, get to know the history of the Fado and the career of Amália, Fado most beloved singer. And because our music is not limited to Fado, take the time to know Cante, a musical expression considered today, like Fado, Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.

We thank Turismo de Lisboa, the Museums of Lisbon and Casa do Cante, for responding positively to our request and for the wonderful contents made openly available. We highlight that the RTP Museum and the National Tile Museum prepared original videos especially for this event and for the Portuguese Presidency of the European Union 2021.

We hope this virtual tour will inspire you to visit Lisbon and have a real-world experience in the near future, after the pandemic has ended and our lives have returned to normal.


THE LISBON TOURISM ASSOCIATION - VISITORS & CONVENTION BUREAU was established in 1997 and its main objectives are:

  • The sustained tourism development in its area of intervention;
  • The promotion of Lisbon as a tourist destination in leisure articles;
  • The promotion of Lisbon as a venue for congresses, fairs and as an incentive trip destination;
  • The provision of Information and support for visiting tourists.

The Lisbon Tourism Association is a nonprofit Private Association and the Presidency of the Board is held by the Municipality of Lisbon.

Lisbon Stories - Fado route


Lisbon Stories - Pessoa route


Lisbon Stories - Saramago route


Lisbon Stories - Almada route


Lisbon Stories - Industrial route


Lisbon Stories - Nature route


Lisbon Stories - Urban Art route


Ciência Viva - the Agency

Ciência Viva is a national agency for the promotion of initiatives for the public awareness of Science and Technology in Portugal, whose associate bodies include public institutions and research laboratories.
The Science and Technology Week and Science in the Summer are two of the initiatives for the general public that have been running since 1997. Science for Young People in the Holidays, a programme that invites secondary school students to be part of research teams in laboratories all over the country, is another initiative that started in 1997.
Ciência Viva has extensive experience in establishing partnerships with researchers in initiatives aiming at improving science education in elementary and secondary education schools.
In the last 10 years our team has taken part in 22 projets within two European Frameworks.
Ciência Viva is responsible for the creation of a national network of 20 interactive Science Centers, all of them operating in close collaboration with universities and local authorities.


Agência de Inovação, SA; Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT); Centro de Neurociências de Coimbra (CNC); Centro de Estudos Sociais (CES); Instituto de Telecomunicações (IT); Instituto de Ciências Sociais (ICS); Intituto Biologia Molecular e Celular (IBMC); Instituto de Patologia e Imunologia da Universidade do Porto (IPATIMUP); Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica (ITQB); Laboratório de Instrumentação e Física experimental de Partículas (LIP) e Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores do Porto (INESC-Porto).


Ciência Viva was created as part of the Ministry of Science and Technology on 17th Julho 1998, to support initiatives for the promotion of science and technology in the Portuguese society.

"Virtual Visits to the pavilion of Knowledge - Trailer


The Coach Museum was an initiative of Queen D. Amélia de Orléans e Bragança, wife of King D. Carlos I (1889-1908), who inaugurated it in 1905. It contains an exceptional and unique collection of richly adorned royal vehicles, from the 17th to 19th centuries (coaches, berlins, carriages, chaises, litters, sedan-chairs), used by the Portuguese other European courts, the Patriarchs of Lisbon and Portuguese noble houses up until the advent of the motor car. The new National Coach Museum building was inaugurated in May 2015.

New Building MNCoches (Exposição permanente/permanent exhibition)


Can you name this carriage?
Learn about the many different types of carriages in the museum collection


When king's car needs a mechanic. Coach of Filipe II - restoration process at National Coach Museum


A ride, Your Majesty?
Royal cars in the collection of National Coach Museum


Antigo Picadeiro Real MNCoches


New Building MNCoches



Created in 1884 and housed in the Palácio Alvor for almost 130 years, the MNAA-Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga has had its current title for more than a century. It is the home to the most important Portuguese public collection of art, ranging from paintings to sculpture, and gold and silverware, as well as decorative arts from Europe, Africa and the Far East. Comprising over 40,000 items, the MNAA collection has the largest number of works from Painting, Sculpture and Decorative Arts, classified by the State as “national treasures”. In its various sections, it also has a number of major works of art in the context of the world artistic heritage.

Virtual visits on Google Arts & Culture (with English contents)


Promotional video

MNAA | Between Past and Future
Thomas Germain Service by JOSÉ AVILLEZ (chef)

MNAA | Between Past and Future
Textiles collection by NUNO GAMA (fashion designer)

MNAA | Between Past and Future
European Painting collection by JOÃO ONOFRE (visual artist)

MNAA | Between Past and Future
Portuguese Painting collection by JOÃO QUEIROZ (painter)

MNAA | Between Past and Future
Portuguese Furniture collection by ÁLVARO SIZA VIEIRA (architect)


Al-zuleique is the Arabic word that became the Portuguese azulejo (tile) and referred to the “small, smooth stone” used by Muslims in the Middle Ages. Their use of tiles to decorate floors and walls pleased the Portuguese Kings and subsequently won pride of place in architecture from the 15th century. We could say that Portugal adopted them in an unparalleled way, like no other European country. So, travelling across the country is like visiting a living museum of tiles, but it is in the National Tile Museum in Lisbon that you can get to know, like nowhere else, their history and artistic and technical evolution, from early times to modern-day production.

One day at the National Musem of Azulejo (tour on the History of Azulejo)


The first regular radio broadcasts started in 1935 and television broadcasts in 1957, with 85 years of radio, 64 of television and 23 of online, RTP offers television, radio and a range of services online through our website (s) (s) and social networks, RTP is the oldest media company in Portugal. RTP has a rich and unparalleled museological, documentary and audiovisual heritage. The mission of the RTP Museum Center is to manage the museological and documental collection under its care through the Visitable Museological Collection of Radio and Television, Visitable Reserve, Virtual Museum, Historical Documentary Archive, Written Music Archive, Library and Documentation Center

As primeiras emissões regulares de rádio iniciaram-se em 1935 e as de televisão em 1957. Com 85 anos de Rádio, 64 de Televisão e 23 de online, um universo diversificado de marcas de televisão, rádio e online, através do(s) site(s) e redes sociais, a RTP é a empresa de media com mais história e tradição na comunicação social portuguesa. A RTP tem um riquíssimo e inigualável património museológico, documental e audiovisual (sons e imagens), que se confunde com a história de Portugal. O Núcleo Museológico da RTP tem como missão gerir o acervo museológico e documental à sua guarda, procedendo à manutenção e disponibilização interna e externa da Coleção Visitável Museológica de Rádio e Televisão, Reserva Visitável, Museu Virtual, Arquivo Histórico documental, Arquivo de Música Escrita, Biblioteca e Centro de Documentação.




The Transistor


The Roaring Twenties





O Transistor


Os anos 20 na coleção RTP



Since opening to the public in 1998, the Museum has incorporated items belonging to hundreds of interpreters, authors, composers, musicians, instrument manufacturers, scholars and researchers, professional and amateur artists: hundreds of personalities that witnessed and wrote the history of Fado, and that did not hesitate to cede the testimonial of their affective and memorial patrimony to us, for the construction of a collective project.

Concert Guitars for Amália

A Man in the City (Carlos do Carmo)

Museum of Fado


Sound Archive Museu do Fado



Casa do Cante is a project based in the city of Serpa, aimed at safeguarding the Cante Alentejano and the Intangible Cultural Heritage of the south. Casa do Cante is the managing body of the Candidature of Cante Alentejano to the list representing the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, presented by the Portuguese State to UNESCO in 2013.

Cante is a genre of traditional two-part singing performed by amateur choral groups in southern Portugal, characterized by distinctive melodies, lyrics and vocal styles, and performed without instrumentation. Groups consist of up to thirty singers divided into groups. The ponto, in the lower range, starts the singing, followed by the alto, in the higher range, which duplicates the melody a third or a tenth above, often adding ornaments. The entire choral group then takes over, singing the remaining stanzas in parallel thirds.

Video Cante Alentejano's candidacy for the UNESCO List of Cultural Heritage of Humanity


Singers / Choral Groups

"Uma mãe que o filho embala", by Joaquim Galado, Serpa

"Cantar os Reis", pelo Rancho de Cantadores de Aldeia Nova de São Bento (de Tiago Pereira)

"Mondadeira Alentejana", pelo Grupo Coral Feminino As Ceifeiras de Pias (de Tiago Pereira)

"Grândola, Vila Morena", pelo Rancho de Cantadores de Paris (de Tiago Pereira)

"Alentejo, Alentejo", pelo Grupo Coral e Etnográfico da Casa do Povo de Serpa (de Nora Longatti)